Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of DIRECTION – “The intuitive voice within will take me where I want to go as it increases my spiritual understanding. My trust in the Divine deepens as I align myself and follow the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Yellow, Number: 1)

TUESDAY: Wear gold today, as it carries the power to create stronger and more enduring relationships. You’ll discover new solutions to old problems through virtual strangers, so pay close attention to all you hear or read. This is an excellent time to start planning for the future, as your desire for emotional security and financial stability becomes paramount under the Aries Sun. An email you send under this evening’s affectionate Leo Moon could reconnect you with a long-lost friend.

KEEP IN MIND: You never know who Spirit will channel messages through; pay attention!