Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of DIRECTION – “The intuitive voice within will take me where I want to go as it increases my spiritual understanding. My trust in the Divine deepens as I align myself and follow the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Yellow, Number: 1)

THURSDAY: Your ideas are light years ahead of their time, so share them freely! You’ll have to release a power struggle at work and allow things to be done according to another’s directions today, or you’ll merely create more trouble for yourself. Passionate encounters will be on your agenda this evening, as hearts grow closer under the loving Virgo Moon. Meditate before retiring to eliminate an unexpected feeling of guilt or worry that comes over you tonight.

KEEP IN MIND: Sharing your dreams with others is the quickest way to bring them into reality.