Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of VULNERABILITY – “When I allow my vulnerability to show, I live more authentically in the world. My willingness to share myself freely are the spiritual key to creating deeper connection with all those around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Rabbit, Color: Green, Number: 4)

SUNDAY: When the Sun moves into Taurus today, the homemaker in you comes out! Whether your passion is gardening, cooking or decorating, give yourself permission to indulge over the next four weeks! Your visions don’t require fact or support to blossom, only a simple trust that Universe that will manifest them when the time is right. Your dreams will be filled with important messages under tonight’s Sagittarius Moon. If you place a moonstone or opal under your pillow, these gems can help you recall them in full detail upon awakening.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t let the naysayers throw water on your dreams today; just wear your spiritual raincoat and carry an umbrella!