Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of DIRECTION – “The intuitive voice within will take me where I want to go as it increases my spiritual understanding. My trust in the Divine deepens as I align myself and follow the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Yellow, Number: 1)

SUNDAY: You possess the Midas touch today, and whether it’s karma or just pure luck, everything you attempt will turn out golden. It’s best to put your own needs first, even if it means turning down another’s request. Keep a close eye on the movements of others under the ethereal Libra Moon or a needless accident could happen. Tonight’s Taurus Sun will put the “spark” back into your love life or inspire a new creative project to fill the hours.

KEEP IN MIND: You know those days when you can make magic happen? This is one of them!