Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of VISION – “I move into a season of growth with renewed vision. Maintaining a spiritual perspective allows me to access my higher purpose and place in the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Raven, Color: White, Number: 6)

WEDNESDAY: You may feel pulled in opposing directions today, and your confusion comes from being able to see both sides of a situation too clearly. Refrain from giving your time and energy to someone who doesn’t appreciate it, and, who refuses to return the favor. Research all the facts before you commit to a job or financial proposal. Wear silver to evoke your quick wit and keen intellect; it can help as you persuade another to see things your way under tonight’s Aquarius Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: When in doubt, do nothing. Don’t worry, clarity returns tomorrow.