Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of HUMOR – “I use humor to open new doors, heal old wounds, and lighten my daily journey. I share my inner joy with others through the art of laughter.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Green, Number: 2)
TUESDAY: Self-doubt could arise today, calling for a time of self-examination to clear out the disharmony within you. Remember, meditation can help to restore balance to your thoughts as well as your emotions. Unexpected work will land in your lap midday and could require a bit of overtime to complete. You and your partner will grow closer as the sensual Pisces Moon reignites the passion between you. Light some rose incense, as it can lift your spirits and open your heart with its magical aroma.
KEEP IN MIND: If your confidence levels are suffering today, focus on some positive affirmations and make a gratitude list to reconnect with the divine power that dwells within you.