Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of HUMOR – “I use humor to open new doors, heal old wounds, and lighten my daily journey. I share my inner joy with others through the art of laughter.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Green, Number: 2)

THURSDAY: Get ready to attend to any neglected chores on your list today, as restoring order will be the theme of the Sun’s move in Virgo today. (Yes, think of it as getting a new boss!) If you agree to a compromise today, you can have your way tomorrow. Dress in green to get to the heart of a family conflict, as this color can help you listen and observe others more effectively. This evening, renew your spirit with a good movie, book, or relaxing soak in the tub under the Aries Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: Even if everyone else is goofing off today, don’t stray from your disciplines. By tomorrow, you’ll be far ahead of the game while they’re still trying to rally from a wasted day.