Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I am committed to living a full and spiritual life. My words, thoughts, and actions always reflect the integrity of my heart and soul.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

THURSDAY: Unexpected money will arrive on your doorstep today and ease your financial burdens, a gift of the Pisces Moon. You’ll be challenged to release limited ideas and consider new possibilities during a discussion with a friend. An amethyst crystal can keep your visions clear and your goals in sight, so wear or carry one to help you stay on course. Show off your romantic side by planning an intimate get-together for the weekend, or buy a gift for your loved one.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face; someone may know more than you or (incredible as it seems) have a better idea!