Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of WHOLENESS – “I ask Spirit to manifest the personal growth and success I desire. As I develop wholeness within, I find it easier to move more effectively in the outside world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Tiger, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)
WEDNESDAY: You’ll have to reach a compromise with a loved one today, or you’ll just continue to hang in limbo. Don’t leave out the details when you’re proposing one of your brilliant ideas to others, as the research you’ve done is quite impressive. You’ll be presented with a mystery to unravel tonight, instigated by the Virgo Moon. Add a mirror to your meditation altar tonight, to remind yourself that change comes through personal reflection.
KEEP IN MIND: Give in a little today so you can get at least half of what you want. (Play your cards right, and you can get the other half tomorrow!)