Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of FAITH – “Each day, I practice the disciplines necessary for my continued spiritual development. I trust in Spirit to direct all my thoughts, words, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: White, Number: 1)
TUESDAY: The Aries Moon will wake your intuitive side today, insisting that you follow your heart over the facts. Just be sure to discuss things with anyone who will be affected before you make any significant changes. You’ll have to choose your battles wisely as Mars moves into Aquarius midday. (That way, you can quit wasting time on nonproductive debates or confrontations.) When you clean out a drawer or closet this evening, you’ll likely run across something you misplaced a few weeks ago.
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t try to do too much today and stay out of conflicts that don’t involve you; you’ll want to conserve all your energy for the weekend!