Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of FAITH – “Each day, I practice the disciplines necessary for my continued spiritual development. I trust in Spirit to direct all my thoughts, words, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: White, Number: 1)
THURSDAY: Did you know you can end the restrictive financial burdens you struggle with by merely eliminating one unnecessary expense? Go on a hunt to find that monthly bill that is keeping you stuck. The Taurus Moon will inspire a transformation in your personal appearance; get a makeover, or new hairstyle, or start on a redecorating project to reflect the change. Light cinnamon incense or use essential oils to fill your home with warmth and joy; in the process, it will also “spice up” any conversations you have.
KEEP IN MIND: It may not seem like a big deal, but think about it. If you gave up just one thing (like that $5 cup of coffee every morning), you’d save a bundle every month!