Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “I meditate for insight into where personal change is needed. The awareness I gain will lead me forward into a new cycle of conscious and spirit-driven living.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Green, Number: 9)

TUESDAY: You’ll be inspired to shirk responsibilities today, so cast caution to the wind and go on an adventure! You can catch up tomorrow, so follow your heart. Wear white to help you view the world with a more objective eye under the Gemini Moon. This color can also eliminate resentment or frustration when others don’t live up to your expectations. Your fear of financial insecurity will disappear if you’ll stop fretting about it and simply make the changes that prevent your money from flying out the door!

KEEP IN MIND: Surprise! Even though it’s a Tuesday, Spirit has designated this as a play day for you!