Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of HARMONY – “I align with the Universe and prepare to embrace new visions. I reflect spiritual harmony out into the world when I live in authenticity.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Blue, Number: 6)

THURSDAY: If you really want to know why others are acting the way they are, simply put yourself in their shoes under the enlightening Scorpio Moon. When you ask direct questions, you can get the answers and understanding you’re looking for. Be sure to pay close attention when on the road or in an unfamiliar place, as the Pisces Sun could tend to distract you with fantasy thinking or daydreams. Jasmine incense or essential oils can refresh your perspective and align your thoughts, so use some this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: Be careful! There are so many thoughts dancing through your head today, it could make you unaware and accident-prone.