Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “I create structure in my life by setting boundaries around my words, thoughts, and actions. Discipline and integrity are the cornerstones of my spiritual foundation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: White, Number: 11)
WEDNESDAY: Happy New Year! You may feel like laying low today, so opt for quiet time or a walk in the park, just what the doctor ordered for the first day of 2020! Be extra cautious with your money now and avoid lending or borrowing. Focus on taking care of your own needs under the self-affirming Pisces Moon. Wear pastel colors to keep yourself centered, as they’ll cast a calming influence over your emotions. Tonight, put your favorite CD on the stereo or download some new tunes and get lost in the music.
KEEP IN MIND: This is a great day to let the winds of life lead the way. Keep things easy and flowing, gravitating from point A to point B towards whatever catches your attention.