Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONTENTMENT – “I take responsibility for my own happiness and work to heighten my inner peace. When I turn inward, Spirit fills my heart with joy and contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Green, Number: 5)

TUESDAY: If you are willing to let the Universe act on your behalf today, great things will come to pass! Your perception of a situation is sure to change once new information appears, so keep your ears and eyes open. You could be inspired to jazz up your appearance with a new hairstyle, outfit, or makeover under the Gemini Moon. Meditate with rose incense or essential oils tonight, as they are ideal for chasing away negative thoughts or unfounded fears.

KEEP IN MIND: Between the time you awake and the time you go to bed (just a matter of hours) your entire perception of things will change.