Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of UNITY – “I reach out to the world to interact with those who are traveling the same spiritual path as me. Acknowledging the ideas, searching, and dreams of others expands my view of the Universe.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Red, Number: 5)

THURSDAY: You’ll be focused on what you can do for others today, confirmation of the Sun’s arrival in generous and nurturing Cancer. Trying to maintain your balance will be a challenge today, as the Universe is sure to throw a few unexpected wrenches into your plans. Shift your perception to align with the bigger picture, and you’ll be able to eliminate thoughts that are creating unnecessary fear or frustration. Be generous with your compliments and appreciation of others under today’s Sagittarius Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: Tired of running into block after block? (Many of which are of your own making.) It’s time to change direction and seek out a new path.