Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “Unconditional love flows through me, resulting in healthier and more emotionally secure relationships. I connect with all those around me on the most spiritual of levels.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 6)
THURSDAY: Today’s Aquarius Moon will move blocks out of the way at last, clearing a path for greater movement and success. It will also help you release old fears or ideas that are creating walls between you and your loved ones. Jupiter will go retrograde today, so resist the urge to make any decisions without all the facts. Call upon the power of the Taurus Sun to enhance your follow-through, as it can give you the staying power to honor your disciplines and see your goals through to completion.
KEEP IN MIND: Before you get the green light to start something new, make sure your world is in order.