Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “I can live a spiritual and more purpose-filled life through spiritual practices. Viewing life from a higher perspective reminds me that anything is possible.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)
SATURDAY: Mixed messages will fly at you from all directions now, which means you’ll have to spend the day asking questions to get to the truth. You might be tempted to tell a white lie or two under this influence, but remember that doing so could damage your integrity. Hang out with your friends midday to catch up on their latest activities; you’ll be surprised at all they’ve had going on. Tonight, reserve time just for you to pursue a creative activity or map out a plan of action for the future under the Virgo Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: Feel free to ask questions today, but be prepared to answer a few as well.