Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of INTIMACY – “I am an effective and authentic channel of love. I interact with all those around me in heartfelt ways, building stronger roads to intimacy.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

MONDAY: If you keep your focus in the moment today, you’ll be able to side-step minor irritations or delays with ease. Your energy levels will soar under the Cancer Moon, and you won’t stop until every task on your list is done. Double-check your calendar or you could forget an important appointment or deadline. Your tarot card the Hanged Man will help you practice more patience this week, which will keep you from acting too soon or moving in the wrong direction.

KEEP IN MIND: You’re a powerhouse today, and you can expect to get double what’s on your list done. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done and then promise yourself some time off tomorrow.