Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of AFFECTION – “I show my affection freely, embracing life and people with an open heart. I share hope, support, and unconditional love with all those around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 3)
SUNDAY: You could awake to a disappointment this morning, and the quickest way to move past it is to look for a different way to get what you want. It’s not that your goal is impossible to reach, but that you simply haven’t accessed the spiritual power necessary for your ultimate success. Meditate with sandalwood incense this evening and you’ll be able to hear your spirit guides more easily, a gift of the Taurus Moon’s power to dissolve the veil between the physical and spirit worlds.
KEEP IN MIND: This could prove a frustrating day if you insist on holding on to your own ideas or plans; turn things over and let someone else be in charge; namely, Spirit!