Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of TRUST – “I turn unresolved issues over to the Universe, which is my ultimate source for resolution. I live worry-free in the moment, and trust that all is as it should be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Mouse, Color: Blue, Number: 10)

THURSDAY: If you share the workload with friends and family, you’ll be able to get things done faster and more efficiently. The Sagittarius Sun will have a positive influence, filling your day with heartfelt joy and wonder. Wear or carry a quartz crystal or moonstone, as these stones can raise your intuitive and psychic gifts to a higher level. You could find yourself on the phone or internet most of the evening, as the Capricorn Moon compels you to reach out to those dearest to you.

KEEP IN MIND: Touch base with loved ones today; you’ll be surprised to find out what they’ve been up to!