Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “I release the people, places, and things that I’ve outgrown. I move freely into the next cycle of life, ready for new relationships, experiences, and opportunities.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Gold, Number: 4)

THURSDAY: Though your intention will be to get most of your work completed, others may slow you down by withholding information or refusing to do their part. Don’t focus on the restrictions they create for you or you’ll just get more agitated. Instead, practice patience and do the best you can. Double-check your to-do list this afternoon; there’s something or someone important you’ve forgotten! Meditating under tonight’s grounding Cancer Moon will alleviate frustration and help you reclaim your spiritual center.

KEEP IN MIND: Move as independently as you can today, as joining forces with others will just slow you down.