Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “The more I believe in myself, the faster my dreams will come to life. My intuition leads me forward as spiritual direction illuminates my path.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
MONDAY: You can maintain a positive outlook today if you remember that with Spirit’s help, you have all you need to weather any challenges that come your way. The Virgo Moon could reveal an artistic talent you didn’t even know you had, so try your hand at something new. Be mindful not to engage in double-talk this evening, or you’ll lose your credibility in an instant! Your tarot card the High Priestess will encourage you to go deep within this week to gain access to your greatest source of wisdom, Spirit.
KEEP IN MIND: Your choices will dictate how well this day unfolds, so consider your options and take the high road.