Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of AFFECTION – “I bring more joy to the world by expressing affection and devotion. I honor my feelings and share them openly, creating deeper connections of the heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Green, Number: 6)

THURSDAY: Your ideas are clear and you’re ready to go, so make it a point to take action today! Insist on the space and time you need to foster your own dreams, or you’ll get sidetracked by the requests of others. Watch out for feelings of stubbornness or resentment that arise under the Capricorn Moon; they will only work against you. Consider others before making any permanent decisions about your future, especially if it will affect or involve them directly.

KEEP IN MIND: Practice a little selfishness under the Scorpio Sun; your dreams are important too!