Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “My inner happiness is centered in my connection to Spirit. When I live joyfully in each moment, it is easier to see the wonders that surround me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Green, Number: 6)
MONDAY: It may seem as if no one understands what you are saying these days, which could make it difficult to maintain your sense of confidence. Immerse yourself in solitary activities under the Pisces Moon and wear earth tones to keep you grounded. You need to start making plans for future travel; do a little research on the internet to find the best deals. With the Fool as your tarot card, you’ll have all the courage you need to make a leap of faith into the unknown this week.
KEEP IN MIND: You may feel quite invisible today, but don’t worry; you’ll “reappear” in a day or two.