Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of CHANGE – “When I simplify my perspective, I can see where change is needed. I examine and streamline my life and then turn remaining struggles over to Spirit for resolution.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Green, Number: 2)
WEDNESDAY: Thanks to the Libra Sun, new information you stumble upon today will allow you to see things from an entirely different angle, so keep your eyes and ears open! Share your future goals with others under the Libra Moon, as a spiritual stepping stone to manifesting them. A disappointment can be averted if you simply lower your expectations and keep in mind that all is not as it seems. Light a few aqua candles before you meditate tonight, to clear the fog and give you a fresh view of the future.
KEEP IN MIND: You won’t have any say in what unfolds today, but you do have the option of how you react; keep a positive attitude at all costs.