Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of CHOICES – “With Spirit at my side, I am able to make better choices. I live in each moment with higher awareness, seek spiritual help, and act on the intuitive guidance I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)
TUESDAY: The Sagittarius Moon will inspire you to go in search of more in-depth information regarding a relationship or financial problem; what you discover will remind you to approach things from a more spiritual angle. You could get a surprising text from a friend today; call them back right away to see what’s going on! Give yourself permission to engage in some creative visualization during your nightly meditation; you’ll be amazed at how fast Spirit can turn it into reality!
KEEP IN MIND: Lack of interaction is creating the relationship problems you’re dealing with, so the first step is to spend more time with them.