Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of ACCOUNTABILITY – “I keep the focus on myself and the things I am responsible for. For all else, I turn to Spirit for resolution, understanding, and direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
MONDAY: The harder you try to change something, the more you’ll be met with resistance. Instead, step back for a day or two and focus on spiritual practices until planetary blocks clear. Avoid using double standards with loved ones, as the Sun continues through balancing Libra and insists on equality for all. Start to formulate new goals for the future under tonight’s enterprising Pisces Moon: With the World as your tarot card this week, it won’t take long before you’re ready to take action on them!
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t worry if nothing moves forward today; remember, the Universe has its own timetable! (And apparently, doesn’t even own a watch!)