Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of ACCOUNTABILITY – “I keep the focus on myself and the things I am responsible for. For all else, I turn to Spirit for resolution, understanding, and direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

WEDNESDAY: The best way to see where you are headed is to examine where you’ve been, so do a little review under today’s Aries Moon. The lessons you’ve learned over the last two months have helped you to clarify precisely what it is you want in a relationship, and how to create it. Hold your tongue when someone wants to argue this evening, as you simply have no way of winning this debate. Instead, choose to be happy rather than right, and let them have their way.

KEEP IN MIND: The basic message today is, don’t waste your time and energy with unreasonable people. Simply wish them a good day and be on your way.