Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of CHANGE – “When I simplify my perspective, I can see where change is needed. I examine and streamline my life and then turn remaining struggles over to Spirit for resolution.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Green, Number: 2)
MONDAY: You could find it difficult to complete anything today, so be content to get a little bit done on several projects. Others will approach you for direction or advice under the Virgo Moon, as they know you can see beyond the obvious and get right to the heart of any matter. Be on the alert, as subtle changes are occurring on the work front; if you’re the first to recognize them, it will work to your advantage. Your tarot card the Moon will advance your psychic and intuitive powers this week.
KEEP IN MIND: Give your day over to Spirit and let it lead you to wherever you need to be; that way, you won’t miss the important messages coming your way!