Scorpio Horoscopes


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “I continue to move forward with faith and persistence. A simple shift in my perspective always affirms that I am headed in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Green, Number: 4)

MONDAY: Remember, unexpected delays are designed to keep you from moving in the wrong direction, so practice patience and trust. Take a closer look at your finances under the Taurus Moon; there’s money hiding between the lines! A friend will be more open to your suggestions if you share your personal experience rather than advice. In fact, as you relate your story, you’ll realize there’s a few changes you should make as well. Your tarot card is the Emperor this week, who’ll encourage determined and confident movement.

KEEP IN MIND: Go on a treasure hunt today; there’s money hiding all around you!


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “I continue to move forward with faith and persistence. A simple shift in my perspective always affirms that I am headed in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Green, Number: 4)

TUESDAY: Avoid critical or judgmental thinking or you could end up saying things you’ll regret under today’s Taurus Moon. The high demands that have been placed on you at work may require some overtime, so pace yourself and start delegating less important tasks. Burning red candles can aid you in keeping on task, which will make it easier to complete everything on your list today. A lighthearted and fun-filled social event will lift your spirits this evening, especially when it brings you into contact with someone you haven’t seen in ages!

KEEP IN MIND: Forget about trying to handle everything yourself today. Delegate lesser tasks or reschedule appointments until next week.


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “I continue to move forward with faith and persistence. A simple shift in my perspective always affirms that I am headed in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Green, Number: 4)

WEDNESDAY: Listen closely to what others say today, as their words could hold the key to a major breakthrough in awareness for you. Ask direct questions of loved ones instead of assuming anything or you’ll be operating under illusion and sure to be disappointed. In your commitment to create more balance in your life, resist the urge to bring work home from the office tonight. Instead, honor the energies of a restorative Gemini Moon and stick close to home, resting, relaxing and reconnecting with loved ones.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t assume anything today; just ask questions until you find out what’s going on.


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “I continue to move forward with faith and persistence. A simple shift in my perspective always affirms that I am headed in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Green, Number: 4)

THURSDAY: Put off your regular responsibilities until tomorrow and use this day to reconnect with your inner spirit. You can let go of the past through journaling and meditation, which in turn, will help you to change your perception of the future. Self-nurturing is the best (and fastest) way to restore your personal power as Mars moves into stabilizing Taurus. Wear purple to activate your psychic and intuitive powers under this evening’s Gemini Moon; then spend some time practicing your favorite divination tool.

KEEP IN MIND: Make this a “me, me, me” day – you deserve it!


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “I continue to move forward with faith and persistence. A simple shift in my perspective always affirms that I am headed in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Green, Number: 4)

FRIDAY: To avoid negative thinking or worry when your movements get blocked today, tune in to the Universe and trust that all is as it should be in this moment. If you work within the restrictions of your current budget you’ll actually feel more empowered: Remember, you can use the influence of today’s Cancer Moon to keep you in line with your financial commitments. Dress in purple tonight, as it can help you to see things from the highest spiritual vantage possible.

KEEP IN MIND: Just because things don’t go your way today doesn’t mean there’s a problem; don’t forget who’s running the show! (Yes, Spirit!)


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “I continue to move forward with faith and persistence. A simple shift in my perspective always affirms that I am headed in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Green, Number: 4)

SATURDAY: It will be easy to maintain a positive outlook today, as everything tends to go your way! The Cancer Moon will illuminate your progress, eliminate confusion and give you a sense of self-empowerment. Neglected paperwork or unfinished projects can be completed in the morning, leaving you free to socialize or relax with loved ones the rest of the day. Using jasmine essential oils or incense before bedtime can clear your mind of scattered thoughts and in the process, restore clarity.

KEEP IN MIND: Ahoy there! Once you get your basic chores out of the way, the rest of the day is clear sailing!


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “I continue to move forward with faith and persistence. A simple shift in my perspective always affirms that I am headed in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Green, Number: 4)

SUNDAY: The Leo Moon will shift your psychic abilities into high gear, so forget about the facts and follow your intuition. Unfounded fears could have a way of infiltrating your thoughts, but sharing them with a trusted friend can disarm them in an instant. Wear or carry a quartz crystal with you to help you remain even-tempered and patient, no matter what blocks pop up today.

KEEP IN MIND: You’re like the Good Witch of the North from the land of Oz today – just wave that magic wand and watch what happens!