Weekly Astrological Forecast for October 30 through November 5, 2023

October 30 through November 5, 2023 Things hum along pretty smoothly this week but don’t expect to get much done. The Moon cruises through Gemini the first three days of the week, inspiring social interactions and brain-storming sessions. We could be all talk and no action, but the ideas we share have seeds of truth […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 24 through July 30, 2023

July 24 through July 30, 2023 Things run pretty smoothly this week, with only one astrological shift of note, Mercury’s move into Virgo on Friday. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo, so don’t be surprised if your attention to detail increases or you find yourself nitpicking about things that really aren’t important. We’ll need to […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for June 19 through June 25, 2023

June 19 through June 25, 2023 Things slow down this week as we move under the watery vibes of a Cancer Moon on Monday and Tuesday, followed by the Sun’s entry into Cancer on Wednesday. For the next four weeks, our thoughts will turn to home, family, and comfort-seeking activities. Gardening, cooking, and restoring order […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for April 10 through April 16, 2023

April 10 through April 16, 2023 Things should hum along smoothly this week, with the only astrological shift being Venus’ entry into Gemini on Monday. We’ll find ourselves expressing ourselves more openly and lovingly under this influence, sharing unconditional love and support with all those around us. The Capricorn Moon will cast a productive air […]