4 Reasons There Is No Such Thing as a “Bad Match” in Astrology

4 Reasons There Is No Such Thing as a “Bad Match” in Astrology, by Desiree Toby Antila (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) We have all heard it before: “I can’t date them, because they are a Gemini.” More and more, people are generalizing the sun signs of others before giving them a chance. […]
4 Resolutions to Help Your Relationship Grow Healthier, Happier, and Higher

4 Resolutions to Help Your Relationship Grow Healthier, Happier, and Higher, by Guy Finley (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) We all want to know a love that’s whole and true, through-and-through; a relationship that never fails to renew itself—and us—no matter how severely life decides to suddenly “test” it in some unwanted way. […]
4 Ways to Put the Om Back in Your Home

4 Ways to Put the Om Back in Your Home, by Tisha Morris (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Holistic living is becoming more mainstream as nutrition, preventive and alternative medicine, and conscious living are simply a way of life. Holistic implies being whole or taking into account the whole picture—our physical, mental, emotional, […]
4 Ways to Practice Dark Moon Magick with Reiki

4 Ways to Practice Dark Moon Magick with Reiki, by Melissa Tipton (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) During the Dark Moon, the earth-facing side of the moon is in shadow (in contrast to the Full Moon when it is illuminated by and reflecting the sun’s light). Magically, this is an ideal time for […]
4 Secret Strengths of Sensitivity

4 Secret Strengths of Sensitivity, by Kyra Mesich (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Sensitive people have gotten a bum rap. We live in a world that doesn’t embrace the values of sensitivity, so we get told that we are weak, unusual, touchy, and hard to please. The sad truth is that we hear […]
4 Ways to Connect with the Earth’s Energy

4 Ways to Connect with the Earth’s Energy, by Melissa Alvarez (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The Earth has its own unique frequency of energy vibration, which can have transformative effects on your life when you connect with it. And, some locations (such as sacred sites, power places, ley lines, manmade places, or […]
4 Simple Steps to Commune with Your Ancestors

4 Simple Steps to Commune with Your Ancestors, by Mallorie Vaudoise (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Honoring your ancestors, like any practice that deals with spirits, is a lot like cooking. Anyone can do it, not just people with special training. (That’s a big part of the reason why I wanted to write […]
4 Ways to Invite Good Juju into Your Life

4 Ways to Invite Good Juju into Your Life, by Najah Lightfoot (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) What is good juju? How you can create it? How can you keep it flowing positively in your life? Good juju is a handshake with Spirit. It is an acknowledgement, an agreement, and a commitment you […]