5 Ways to Manifest Outer Health, Inner Peace, and Beauty

5 Ways to Manifest Outer Health, Inner Peace, and Beauty, by Dr. Debbie Palmer (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) We’re all looking for balance these days. Juggling work, life, and taking care of ourselves is a full-time job that can very often sap our energy, enthusiasm, and health. I have experienced this struggle […]
5 Ways to Embrace Your Home as an Archetype of the Divine Feminine

5 Ways to Embrace Your Home as an Archetype of the Divine Feminine, by Tisha Morris (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The rise of the Divine Feminine has become a popular concept in spiritual circles, and for good reason. The masculine energy (yang) has been the prevailing energy on the planet for thousands […]
5 Ways to Reset Your Life with Tarot

5 Ways to Reset Your Life with Tarot, by Melissa Cynova (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) “I’ve only known for ten years that ‘No.’ is a complete sentence.”—Jane Fonda If you consider the Self as a skeleton, and all of the wants, needs, and that which you hold dear to be the skin […]
5 Peculiar Secrets to Self Love

5 Peculiar Secrets to Self Love, by Tess Whitehurst (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Self-love—you hear about it all the time, but what is it, really? It’s not having a high opinion of your abilities. That’s self-esteem. It’s not giving yourself a hug when you feel stressed. That’s self-kindness. It’s not taking time […]
5 Simple and Instant Creativity Boosts

5 Simple and Instant Creativity Boosts, by Melissa Harris (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Perhaps you don’t consider yourself creative. But, we are all creative: our creativity simple emerges in different ways. Consider the imagination one employs to make intelligent financial decisions, or how one can come up with yummy and inexpensive recipes […]
5 Quick & Easy Spells Every Kitchen Witch Should Know

5 Quick & Easy Spells Every Kitchen Witch Should Know, by Gwion Raven (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) One of the biggest advantages of being a kitchen witch is being in your magickal workshop practically every day. There’s a good chance that you’ll be in the kitchen at some point during each day, […]
5 Stress Management Tips for Relaxing Your Whole Being with Yoga

5 Stress Management Tips for Relaxing Your Whole Being with Yoga, by Robert Butera, PhD (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Stress and anxiety affect us on all levels. Be it the body’s pounding heart, the rapid pace of breath, overwhelming feelings, racing thoughts, or a disconnection from our deeper beliefs, stress weaves its […]
5 Gemstones to Help You Balance the Masculine Within

5 Gemstones to Help You Balance the Masculine Within, by Margaret Ann Lembo (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) June is the month we honor our fathers, as well as those graduating from academic programs. This is the time of year that supports our connection to the energy of taking action, accomplishment, and acknowledgement. […]