Double Vision: Sad Dreams about Departed Mom
I lost my mom almost two years ago. I dream of her often, but they are never happy dreams; instead, they are dreams of her being sick or of us losing her all over again. Can you tell me why I never have happy dreams about her? Bambi Astrea: Two years isn’t very long to […]
Double Vision: Is Secondhand Bed Haunted?
My grandson is almost three years old. My daughter bought a secondhand bed in the shape of a car for him, and ever since, he has not wanted to go to bed because he says the children are in his room. Loud noises upset him and he has now started putting the pillow over his […]
Double Vision: Dreams of Flying
Throughout my almost 45 years, I have had dreams in which I can fly. I know these are normal for most people, but the experiences I have don’t quite match the experiences I’ve heard about from others. I can clearly remember being taught how to fly as a child INSIDE my home. I remember how […]
Double Vision: What Life Lessons are Narcissists Learning?
Almost a year ago, I broke up with a severe narcissist. I trusted him and gave him my love, my trust and my support. He used me, betrayed me, and could never admit to what he had done although he bragged about things to everyone else. He nearly destroyed my relationship with my family by […]
Double Vision: Ongoing Psychic Relationship with Ex
My ex has been in my thoughts and in my gut for almost 10 years now. I feel him pulling me and calling to me in the same way that I felt him long ago when we were together. These days, it seems to happen at random moments. I feel like there’s a connection I […]