Today’s Inspirational Quote

“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” The best time of day to take the opportunity to enjoy and commune with whatever Higher Being you believe in is during an early morning walk. “You time” before the day gets taken over by commitments, work, school runs, chores, errands etc. etc. etc. […]
Growing Big Dreams

An Excerpt from Growing Big Dreams By Robert Moss The greatest crisis of our lives is a crisis of imagination. We come to a dead stop because there is a barrier in front of us and we can’t imagine a way to get around or over it. Our work space feels like it is walled […]
Rising Up

An excerpt from Radical Intuition by Kim Chestney Throughout the ages, the most extraordinary human beings — from Einstein, DaVinci, and Joan of Arc to Steve Jobs, Oprah, and Stephen Hawking — have attested to one common factor as the secret to their life success: Intuition. In her new book Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide […]
Saying Yes to Support and Sisterhood

An excerpt from Overwhelmed and Over It by Christine Arylo Women stretched beyond capacity. Women struggling to get it all done. Women sacrificing themselves to take care of everything and everyone else. Not just for a moment or a season, but as an ongoing cycle from which they can’t break free. In her new book […]
Repurposing Your Inner Critic

An excerpt from The Final 8th by Bridgit Dengel Gaspard, LCSW No one enjoys being stuck and the misery is amplified when we have accomplished multiple steps toward a cherished goal — whether breaking a bad habit, losing weight, building a business, finding a mate, or finishing a degree — but just can’t seem to […]

An excerpt from The Power of Daily Practice by Eric Maisel, PhD Are you trying to finish your novel? Do you want to build your own business? The impact of having a consistent practice focused on your life goals cannot be underestimated. Prolific author and creativity coach Dr. Eric Maisel has been working with artists […]
Your Creativity Practice

An excerpt from The Power of Daily Practice by Eric Maisel, PhD I’ve been working with creative and performing artists for more than thirty years, and so the most usual daily practice that a client of mine needs to create is one centered around creativity. This might be a writing practice, a painting practice, a […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.” I have had too many experiences of the above to count but I’m still amazed when it happens again and again. I expect you’ve all had times when […]
Overcoming Fear

An excerpt from Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child by Tina Gilbertson Ten million Gen X and Baby Boomer parents have estranged adult children. Parents wonder: How did this happen? Where did I go wrong? While time, in and of itself, does not necessarily heal, actions do, and while every estrangement includes situation-specific variables, there […]
Self-Esteem Builders

An excerpt from Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child by Tina Gilbertson Ten million Gen X and Baby Boomer parents have estranged adult children. Parents wonder: How did this happen? Where did I go wrong? While time, in and of itself, does not necessarily heal, actions do, and while every estrangement includes situation-specific variables, there […]