Four Benefits of the Love on Every Breath Meditation

An excerpt from Love on Every Breath by Lama Palden Drolma At this time, when our human family is facing many challenges, it is more important than ever that we find peace and sustenance in our hearts. In the new book Love on Every Breath: Tonglen Meditation for Transforming Pain into Joy, author Lama Palden […]
So, What Is Mindfulness?

An excerpt from From Suffering to Peace by Mark Coleman Ask ten meditation teachers “What is mindfulness?” and you may get ten different responses. The conversation about this complex and subtle theme is not new. Debates over this topic have occurred for centuries, across cultures, and within contemplative traditions. How would you answer that question? […]
You Are a Lightworker

An excerpt from Energy Speaks by Lee Harris Most of us intuitively feel that reality contains a spiritual dimension hidden from our five senses. For author Lee Harris, that spiritual dimension became startlingly real one day when he began communicating with “the Zs,” a group of nonphysical beings from another plane of reality. At first, […]
It’s All in Your Head

An excerpt from Feed Your Soul by Carly Pollack There are countless diets, cleanses, and 30-day challenges all geared to help people lose weight, heal their digestion, and feel more energy. Yet, these temporary protocols fall short when it comes to true transformation. With all of the nutrition guidance available, why do millions of people […]
You Have to Believe it to See it

An excerpt from Signs from the Other Side by Bill Philipps I invited my dad to brunch one recent Sunday afternoon. We haven’t always had the closest relationship, but fortunately it has strengthened with time. After a delicious meal and rich conversation, we were saying our goodbyes in the restaurant parking lot when a beautiful […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“An open mind allows you to explore and create and grow. Remember that progress would be impossible if we always did things the way we always have.” An open mind reminds me of a big plot of land with absolutely nothing remotely resembling a fence on or around it. I guess it could also be […]
Guidelines for Effective Communication

An excerpt from Loving through Your Differences by James L. Creighton, PhD Couples fight. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Sometimes these fights provide comic relief. At other times they threaten the very survival of the relationship. Psychologist and relationship consultant James Creighton wrote his new book Loving through Your Differences: Building Strong Relationships from […]
Living in a Multidimensional Reality

An Excerpt from Seven Cups of Consciousness by Aleya Dao The world you live in is made up of multiple dimensions. The physical dimension is just one floor of a multistory building. Each floor or dimension holds different energies and levels of consciousness. The physical dimension contains solid objects, a linear time line, finite resources, […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.” I have had too many experiences of the above to count but I’m still amazed when it happens again and again. I expect you’ve all had times when […]
Timmy – My Journey into Healing

An excerpt from Animal Healing by Niki J. Senior “What on earth are you doing with that cat?” A sentence I heard almost every day as a child from my parents. I was sharing something so natural and pure; healing, compassion and love. I owe so much to Timmy, as he was the furred soul […]