Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Nothing ever goes away until it had taught us what we need to know.” We have all gone through hard times in life haven’t we? Times when we feel that Fate, Karma, whatever, has singled us out in order to “get us!” That feeling of “it’s just not fair!” I’ve had my fair share believe […]

Double Vision: Is Departed Brother-in-Law Trying to Make Contact?

My brother-in-law passed away in a tragic car accident. This morning at exactly four a.m., I woke up and opened my eyes and saw that my bedroom light was on. I live alone. (This light is a torch floor lamp; you have to turn the knob for it to turn on/off.) I felt like there […]

Double Vision: Is Her Sister at Peace After Taking Her Own Life?

This is regarding my sister, who passed away a year ago. She committed suicide because she was depressed about her wedding getting called off twice. When she first died, I had dreams about her; now not so much. I keep wondering if she is happy now or if she is sad about leaving us. How […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace.” This is very true isn’t it, but it’s something we all do nevertheless! We all have worry “buttons” some of us bigger ones than others. We worry about everything, occasionally over nothing very much but, at other times, we have good reasons for […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Moving forward away from your comfort zone may feel temporarily uncomfortable, but it feels a lot better than standing still in a place that no longer suits you.” It’s only natural to construct our own personal comfort zone as a cushion or buffer protecting us from the impact life and the world can have on […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When people walk away, let them. Your future is not about people who walk away….it’s about the people who stay in it for the ride.” Sometimes when people want to walk out of our lives we try to prevent them. Perhaps we believe they still have a part to play therefore we’re reluctant to let […]