Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Well done is better than well said.” A need to take action rather than just talk about it is the clear meaning here. I guess a great many of us occasionally tend to tell all and sundry about a great plan, exciting enterprise, or original idea that we’ve had. Initially, everybody shares our enthusiasm, wishing […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Let your past make you better not bitter.” Painful lessons learned the hard way from the past can very easily colour our present with bitterness. We have all, at one time or another, experienced troubling situations, relationship problems, failure, despair, loss, etc. However, it’s how we each deal with our own personal “demons from the […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.” Of course it is! In fact, being positive, is what gets most of us out of bed in the morning and keeps us motivated throughout our day. The trick is to hold onto it and keep holding on no matter what negativity we experience, either from people or […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“It is better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.” Oh definitely! Just common sense if we take time to think about it. However, sometimes it’s not so simple or easy for some of us to break away from the wrong footed crowd once we’re part of it and being […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Positive thinking is better than negative nothing.” Personally, I have always been a great believer in positive thinking. It just makes perfect sense to me. What’s the alternative? Always thinking negatively or fearing the worst prevents us from exploring and perhaps succeeding at the opportunities or relationships presented to us in life. Surely it’s more […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change.” My mantra is “If you don’t ask, you don’t get” so this resonates with me on a personal level. Makes sense doesn’t it that, if you decide what you want in life and take positive steps to make it a reality, then who’s to […]
Taking Your Emotional Temperature

An excerpt from Feeling Better by Cindy Stulberg and Ronald Frey, PhD I know a successful tennis player who always checks his heart rate before he serves. He knows that if his pulse is too high, he’s much more likely to fault on the serve and risk losing a point. Consistently (and discreetly) checking his […]
Taking Your Emotional Temperature

An excerpt from Feeling Better by Cindy Stulberg and Ronald Frey, PhD I know a successful tennis player who always checks his heart rate before he serves. He knows that if his pulse is too high, he’s much more likely to fault on the serve and risk losing a point. Consistently (and discreetly) checking his […]
Taking Your Emotional Temperature
An excerpt from Feeling Better by Cindy Stulberg and Ronald Frey, PhD I know a successful tennis player who always checks his heart rate before he serves. He knows that if his pulse is too high, he’s much more likely to fault on the serve and risk losing a point. Consistently (and discreetly) checking his […]
Taking Your Emotional Temperature

An excerpt from Feeling Better by Cindy Stulberg and Ronald Frey, PhD I know a successful tennis player who always checks his heart rate before he serves. He knows that if his pulse is too high, he’s much more likely to fault on the serve and risk losing a point. Consistently (and discreetly) checking his […]