Double Vision: Walk-ins?

Have you ever heard of something called a “walk-in?” My friend said that someone told her that she had one. She said it was when another spirit came into her body to inhabit it for the rest of her bodily life. I asked her what the difference was between a walk-in and one’s own spirit […]

Double Vision: Is it Dangerous to say Demons Names Out Loud?

I’ve been watching a new show called Paranormal State. The main paranormal researcher on the show says that we should never say the names of demons out loud unless we are prepared for head-to-head, all out battle with them. Do you think this is true? Is it dangerous to say the names of demons out […]

Double Vision: Ghost Won’t Go

My son just called me and asked me if I believe in ghosts. When I said yes, he told me someone is visiting the apartment he shares with his girlfriend. This spirit is turning on the TV and lamps in another room. They both hear footsteps, and they’ve both felt someone lean over them while […]