Weekly Astrological Forecast for June 12 through June 18, 2023

June 12 through June 18, 2023 Our creativity soars this week, as we thrive under the intellectual power of the Gemini Sun to revamp our outlook and surroundings. Monday and Tuesday we’ll be brainstorming for new ideas under an Aries Moon, and by Wednesday, when the Moon moves into Taurus, we’ll be able to take […]
5 Simple and Instant Creativity Boosts

5 Simple and Instant Creativity Boosts, by Melissa Harris (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Perhaps you don’t consider yourself creative. But, we are all creative: our creativity simple emerges in different ways. Consider the imagination one employs to make intelligent financial decisions, or how one can come up with yummy and inexpensive recipes […]