Double Vision: Strange Breathing Noises

My daughter often hears breathing near her that I can’t hear. She says it only worries her because no one else seems to be aware of it. I did feel a presence once, only because I walked right into it. Our house is full of energy, and all of my kids have seen the same […]
Double Vision: Is She Seeing Future Loved Ones in Her Dreams?

The first time I saw my daughter in my dreams was during my freshman year of college. I always wanted to name my daughter Maya, and when I called this little girl by that name in the dream, she responded. Once in a while, I see a guy in my dreams who has wavy hair. […]
Double Vision: Clock Stopped at Moment of Birth

Please help! My daughter was born four weeks early, and the clock in our house stopped at the exact time she was born: 7:34 p.m. on February 25, 2006. However, the pendulum continued to swing for months afterwards even though the time never moved. (There is only one battery that ran both the time and […]