Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t look where you fell, but where you slipped.” Exactly! A reminder to pay attention to what came before you “fell.” Looking back to what caused you to fall, not the actual fall itself because, by that time, it was too late to save yourself. Could you have done something, or taken steps to prevent […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t promise when you’re happy. Don’t reply when you’re angry, and don’t decide when you’re sad.” Brilliant advice! Emotions can tend to make our decisions for us, and that isn’t always a good thing. Acting from a calm and steady place assures us that our intuition is guiding us. That way, there are no regrets. […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over you.” Oh how true is this? Surely it makes sense for us to do our utmost to make us happy? Definitely an “inside job” therefore much too precious and valuable for us to even fleetingly consider allowing another influence over. Our own […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t get upset with people or situations; both are powerless without your reaction.” Very true don’t you think? However, not easy for most of us not to react when people or a situation are causing us upset. I can see the logic here though. If we do allow whatever is happening to provoke a response […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t ruin a good day today, because of a bad day yesterday.” Human nature though isn’t it? Allowing whatever made yesterday a bad day to cling to us like a big ball of Velcro and stay with us into today! Going over and over in our mind about whatever or whoever made our day hell, […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” This reminds me of friends we had who, although they were English and resident in the UK, preferred living in the house they had bought in Florida. However, due to immigration rules they were restricted to spending 3 months in Florida then the UK for 3 months, […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Don’t compare or compete….Be unique.” We all start out totally unique but, as time passes, it’s only natural that we absorb what’s around us and sooner or later we may realise we’re not as unique anymore, but just one of the crowd. It’s never too late to change this if you really, really want to. […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.” I have always believed this to be true. There have been so many people in my life who have made an impact, taught me a lesson, perhaps welcome perhaps not, but definitely necessary, or enhanced my journey through life, […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” I’m sure we have all, at one time or another, had a failed relationship, an unfulfilled dream, a disappointment etc. At the time it usually feels like the end of the world doesn’t it? We tell ourselves we will never love that way again. That’s it, […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You don’t stop dancing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop dancing.” I love this! I know that, with my creaky and achy joints, I’m not as supple or as pain free as I was when I was a lot younger but, what am I going to do, never dance again when […]