Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Life will knock you down. The real learning starts when you have to get back up.” Like me, I expect life has knocked you down more than a few times if you’ve been fortunate and a great many times if not. Sometimes, when we feel we’ve had enough, we may be tempted to just stay […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.” I love this quote. I always think that perhaps life is knocking you down for just that reason….you need to lie there, lose yourself in the wonderful cosmos above, enjoy and wonder at the twinkling stars and astral bodies and just be…… Of […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Life will knock you down. The real learning starts when you have to get back up.” Like me, I expect life has knocked you down more than a few times if you’ve been fortunate and a great many times if not. Sometimes, when we feel we’ve had enough, we may be tempted to just stay […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.” I love this quote. I always think that perhaps life is knocking you down for just that reason….you need to lie there, lose yourself in the wonderful cosmos above, enjoy and wonder at the twinkling stars and astral bodies and just be…… Of […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Life will knock you down. The real learning starts when you have to get back up.” Like me, I expect life has knocked you down more than a few times if you’ve been fortunate and a great many times if not. Sometimes, when we feel we’ve had enough, we may be tempted to just stay […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.” I love this quote. I always think that perhaps life is knocking you down for just that reason….you need to lie there, lose yourself in the wonderful cosmos above, enjoy and wonder at the twinkling stars and astral bodies and just be…… Of […]
Showing Up Doesn’t Always Have to Be on Purpose

An Excerpt from Sit Down to Rise Up by Shelly Tygielski My friend Soren Gordhamer, the founder of Wisdom 2.0, an annual conference that explores the intersection of modern life and technology, once told me a story about how he used to take his young son to the local water park every summer. Each time, […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Life will knock you down. The real learning starts when you have to get back up.” Like me, I expect life has knocked you down more than a few times if you’ve been fortunate and a great many times if not. Sometimes, when we feel we’ve had enough, we may be tempted to just stay […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.” I love this quote. I always think that perhaps life is knocking you down for just that reason….you need to lie there, lose yourself in the wonderful cosmos above, enjoy and wonder at the twinkling stars and astral bodies and just be…… Of […]
Double Vision: Is Departed Dog Behind her Sudden Big Dream?

We had to put our rescued dog Trixie down two months ago. She was only six years old, and such a beautiful dog. Ever since we put her down, I’ve had a deep desire to have my own Rescue Center for dogs. This is the first time in my life that I have this unexplainable […]