Double Vision: Dreams of flying!

Since I was a child, I have loved to dream, because in my dreams, I could fly, and it was very real and vivid! As I got older, these dreams sadly became fewer and farther between. I’m now 37, and for the past four nights, I’ve been having the same dreams again but with a […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream.” Of course not! Sometimes the right time to set another goal or dream another dream is when we are older and, hopefully though not always, wiser. That’s when we are free from the constraints of perhaps raising a family, working, being […]

Double Vision: Attacked by a Disembodied Hand

I have a rich dream life and usually have an out of body experience a couple of times each week. The other morning, I was in the familiar state just prior to leaving my body when I felt something like an astral hand caressing my leg. Since it felt amazingly good, I let it keep […]

Double Vision: Was Dream About Guardian Angel?

The other night I had a vivid dream. My four-year-old daughter was running around on the deck of a cruise ship and fell overboard. Although my six-year-old son was with me, I jumped overboard to save her. What was a calm sea suddenly became very turbulent and my daughter was always just out of my […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Go after your dream no matter how unattainable others think it is.” Naysayers…they’re everywhere! If I think back on how many times people told me I couldn’t do something, which to me was merely a challenge, my life would be completely different. If you have a dream, a desire, a mission, follow your heart! Taking […]

Double Vision: A Powerful Spirit Guide Dream

I had a dream that has changed my life. In the dream, it was springtime and I was outside walking about in a meadow. It was very peaceful and I could feel the breeze in my hair. Next I was with the late Pope John Paul II and a priest who was the pope’s aide […]

Double Vision: Recurring Dreams of Boyfriend Cheating

I keep having a dream about my boyfriend cheating on me with the girl he left me for. (He later came back, saying he had made a mistake.) While I took him back, I can’t stop thinking about it. Every night I dream of catching him cheating with her and I don’t know what to […]

Spirit and Dream Animals

Spirit and Dream Animals, by Richard Webster (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Many years ago, while doing some research in Hong Kong, I accidentally overheard two women talking about dream animals. I went into a café and sat down at a table next to an attractive Asian lady and her American friend. I […]

Today’s Inspirational Quote

“You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.” I have found this personally to be so true! It was only when I took early retirement from my job that I felt totally free to begin my journey in exploring my long-held interest in Tarot and enhancing my psychic gifts. […]

Double Vision: Did Argument Lead to Dream about Husband’s Suicide?

I had a disturbing dream that I hope you can help me interpret. I dreamed that my husband went missing for a few days, and then he was found dead. He had committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. I didn’t find him but I was called to identify him. He was lying face down […]