Today’s Inspirational Quote

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” The image this bring to my mind is of a miner’s lamp! You know what I mean, the lamp they have on their helmets so they can see in the darkness of the tunnels they work in? In life, there will […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” The image this bring to my mind is of a miner’s lamp! You know what I mean, the lamp they have on their helmets so they can see in the darkness of the tunnels they work in? In life, there will […]
Double Vision: Atoning for Past Life Sins

During a past life reading, I was told that I was a male in a past life and in that life I killed three people. This is very upsetting for I believe that all life is sacred. How do I atone for this? Usually in past life readings, the person is told that they were […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” The image this bring to my mind is of a miner’s lamp! You know what I mean, the lamp they have on their helmets so they can see in the darkness of the tunnels they work in? In life, there will […]
Celebrating Life During Tough Times

Celebrating Life During Tough Times, by Elizabeth Owens (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) There is an old saying that advises us to turn the lemons that life deals us into lemonade. No matter what age we find ourselves, life does, on occasion, present us with difficult challenges. I prefer to consider these challenges […]
Double Vision: Is Phantom Doorbell Delivering Relationship Advice?

During the wee hours of this morning, I heard incessant doorbell ringing. My eyes flew open and my heart was racing. Naturally, when you hear a doorbell ringing during the middle of the night, you think it must be bad news. I shook it off and calmed down. I went back to sleep and another […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” The image this bring to my mind is of a miner’s lamp! You know what I mean, the lamp they have on their helmets so they can see in the darkness of the tunnels they work in? In life, there will […]
Celebrating Life During Tough Times

Celebrating Life During Tough Times, by Elizabeth Owens (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) There is an old saying that advises us to turn the lemons that life deals us into lemonade. No matter what age we find ourselves, life does, on occasion, present us with difficult challenges. I prefer to consider these challenges […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” The image this bring to my mind is of a miner’s lamp! You know what I mean, the lamp they have on their helmets so they can see in the darkness of the tunnels they work in? In life, there will […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” The image this bring to my mind is of a miner’s lamp! You know what I mean, the lamp they have on their helmets so they can see in the darkness of the tunnels they work in? In life, there will […]