Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships

Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships, by Master Denise Lotta Dennis (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Did you know that certain homes can support and ignite affairs, divorce, being bullied at work, conflict with family members, lawsuits, and other very unpleasant and disrupting events? Feng Shui techniques can find these […]
Eight Tides of Elemental Witchcraft for a Magickal Life

Eight Tides of Elemental Witchcraft for a Magickal Life, by Heron Michelle (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The “Wheel of the Year” is what Modern Witches call our cycle of yearly celebrations, both religious and magickal. Our solar sabbat rituals are timed by the turning of the seasons, marked by the sun’s movement […]
Double Vision: Were Best Friends Twins in a Past Life?

I met my best friend about eight years ago, and we have developed an extraordinarily close friendship. Many people say we’re more like lovers than friends, though we’re both straight, and our relationship is platonic. Here’s the weird part: Everyone thinks we’re sisters. We look incredibly alike; have the same build, etc. We work out […]
Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships

Horoscope Feng Shui: Using “Eight Mansions” for Dazzling Relationships, by Denise Liotta Dennis (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Did you know that certain homes can support and ignite affairs, divorce, being bullied at work, conflict with family members, lawsuits, and other very unpleasant and disrupting events? Feng Shui techniques can find these possible […]