Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Not everyone you lose is a loss.” Well I guess we can all relate to this although not all of us will have realised it at the time. Have you ever bemoaned the fact that someone you considered a friend, a lover, a trusted colleague, etc., has left your life and you wondering what just […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, ALWAYS.” This is so true and something we all need to be more aware of. I firmly believe that everybody has their own story which has shaped and moulded them into the person they are and that when we encounter each other […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Not everyone you lose is a loss.” Well I guess we can all relate to this although not all of us will have realised it at the time. Have you ever bemoaned the fact that someone you considered a friend, a lover, a trusted colleague, etc., has left your life and you wondering what just […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, ALWAYS.” This is so true and something we all need to be more aware of. I firmly believe that everybody has their own story which has shaped and moulded them into the person they are and that when we encounter each other […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Not everyone you lose is a loss.” Well I guess we can all relate to this although not all of us will have realised it at the time. Have you ever bemoaned the fact that someone you considered a friend, a lover, a trusted colleague, etc., has left your life and you wondering what just […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, ALWAYS.” This is so true and something we all need to be more aware of. I firmly believe that everybody has their own story which has shaped and moulded them into the person they are and that when we encounter each other […]
Double Vision: Is Everyone Psychic?

Do you believe that everyone is psychic, or at least has the potential to be? If so, is there any reason someone should not pursue the development of their abilities, or any preparation one should undertake before doing so? I’ve been interested in this subject for a long time, and am thinking about developing my […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Not everyone you lose is a loss.” Well I guess we can all relate to this although not all of us will have realised it at the time. Have you ever bemoaned the fact that someone you considered a friend, a lover, a trusted colleague, etc., has left your life and you wondering what just […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, ALWAYS.” This is so true and something we all need to be more aware of. I firmly believe that everybody has their own story which has shaped and moulded them into the person they are and that when we encounter each other […]
Today’s Inspirational Quote

“Not everyone you lose is a loss.” Well I guess we can all relate to this although not all of us will have realised it at the time. Have you ever bemoaned the fact that someone you considered a friend, a lover, a trusted colleague, etc., has left your life and you wondering what just […]