Exploring Your Body’s ESP

Exploring Your Body’s ESP, by Ann Todhunter Brode (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Many people haven’t thought much about the connection between their body’s sensory awareness and extra-sensory perception. They often consider ESP extra-ordinary and practiced only by adepts or psychics. But, it’s actually available to anyone who pays attention to their inner […]

Exploring Your Body’s ESP

Exploring Your Body’s ESP, by Ann Todhunter Brode (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Many people haven’t thought much about the connection between their body’s sensory awareness and extra-sensory perception. They often consider ESP extra-ordinary and practiced only by adepts or psychics. But, it’s actually available to anyone who pays attention to their inner […]

Exploring the Edge of Reality

Exploring the Edge of Reality, by Philip J. Imbrogno (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) When those interested in the paranormal see my name, they usually associate it with the investigation of UFOs. This is most likely because my investigations into the UFO experience have gained considerable attention (in not only the United States […]