Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 18 – 24, 2019

February 18 through February 24, 2019 The first order of business this week is the Sun’s move into Pisces on Monday. This will slow things down for the next four weeks as we go internal to process all we’ve learned this last twelve months. Exploring more metaphysical practices (meditation, astrology, tarot, crystals etc.) will move […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 11 – 17, 2019

February 11 through February 17, 2019 The highlight this week is Mars’ entry into Taurus on Valentine’s Day, where it will spend the next six weeks working in tangible ways to stabilize our financial as well as emotional sectors as we set a course for the future. Be sure to let everyone in your life […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 4 – 10, 2019

February 4 through February 10, 2019 Happy Chinese New Year! Monday’s Aquarius new Moon will set the stage for Tuesday’s Chinese New Year, celebrating the year of the Pig. This is the last of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, and promises a year of wealth and luxury, assuming we don’t get too lazy and let […]
Weekly Astrological Forecast for January 28 – February 3, 2019

January 28 through February 3, 2019 We could find it difficult to get much done the first part of this week, as the Moon will drift through reflective Scorpio on Monday and then move into fun-loving, but not always that responsible, Sagittarius! Leave important matters until Friday and Saturday when the Moon moves into grounded […]